The Cincinnati Zoo Burger Airstream Trailer, created by Cruising Kitchens, is something unique and special. Named “Wild Burger” this trailer fits perfectly with the Cincinnati Zoo since its airstream design adds a nostalgic vibe to it. With an impressive ventilation system, flat griddle stovetop, soda dispensing system, heat lamps, and fully functioning rollup door window, the Cincinnati Zoo Burger trailer is sure to attract hungry zoo visitors. If you are interested in customizing an airstream as a food trailer then the Cincinnati Zoo Burger Airstream Trailer is the perfect example of how Cruising Kitchens efficiently customizes each build in order to meet their client’s needs while still maintaining its aesthetic look.
Equipment Overview
Build Overview
The Cincinnati Zoo Burger Airstream Trailer, created by Cruising Kitchens, is something unique and special. Named “Wild Burger” this trailer fits perfectly with the Cincinnati Zoo since its airstream design adds a nostalgic vibe to it. With an impressive ventilation system, flat griddle stovetop, soda dispensing system, heat lamps, and fully functioning rollup door window, the Cincinnati Zoo Burger trailer is sure to attract hungry zoo visitors. If you are interested in customizing an airstream as a food trailer then the Cincinnati Zoo Burger Airstream Trailer is the perfect example of how Cruising Kitchens efficiently customizes each build in order to meet their client’s needs while still maintaining its aesthetic look.
Equipment Overview
Cruising Kitchens is the leading custom food truck builder and mobile business fabricator in the world. Specializing in food trucks and trailers, kitchen trucks and trailers, shipping container trailers, multimedia trucks and trailers, mobile office trucks and trailers, and much more.
From trucks to trailers, shipping containers to boats; the platforms for taking a business mobile, are unlimited. No job is too big or too small.
Cruising Kitchens is the leading custom food truck builder and mobile business fabricator in the world. Specializing in food trucks and trailers, kitchen trucks and trailers, shipping container trailers, multimedia trucks and trailers, mobile office trucks and trailers, and much more.
From trucks to trailers, shipping containers to boats; the platforms for taking a business mobile, are unlimited. No job is too big or too small.